08/2022 - 08/2026 Ph.D. in Computer Science
Aalto University, Finland - Advised by Vikas Garg, Markus Heinonen, and Samuel Kaski.
- Working primarily on generative models, with applications to drug design.
10/2012 - 07/2017 BSc and MSc in Mathematics
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland - Summa cum laude
- Scholarship for best students
07/2025 - 11/2025 (Incoming) Research Scientist Intern
Meta, New York City -
02/2025 - 04/2025 Visiting Ph.D. Student
Technical University of Denmark - Working with Søren Hauberg on the geometric view of diffusion models
01/2020 - 07/2022 Machine Learning Scientist
Amazon, Edinburgh, United Kingdom/Warsaw, Poland - HR team - explainable recommendations, neural topic models; fairness constraints, optimal transport
- text to speech team - speech synthesis; generative modelling; diffusion, score-based models
06/2017 - 12/2019 Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Sigmoidal, Warsaw, Poland - Projects included: Activity detection, object tracking, text classification, wake word detection, marketing budget optimization
03/2017 - 07/2017 Junior Data Scientist
FinAi, Warsaw, Poland - Natural language process and building data pipelines
07/2016 - 03/2017 Intern
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Warsaw, Poland - image segmentation, explainability of neural networks
10/2015 - 02/2016 Teaching Assistant
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland - Calculus and linear algebra
Programming skills
- Python, Pytorch, torchdiffeq, JAX, equinox, optax, diffrax